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Let's Get Started!
This form is eight pages and will take about 20 minutes to complete. It is highly recommended to use a
desktop or laptop for best access and to have the ability to print the documents signed in this process.
If preferred, registration can alternately be completed offline.

The registration form provides a link to complete one background check.
For additional member background checks, follow instructions HERE.


Membership Information

To begin registration, please fill out the information below.

Emergency Contact


Please provide a contact for us to contact incase of emergency.


Volunteer Position


Our members' participation is key in making our community a success.

Positions will be assigned only during members' scheduled class period.

Priority for Clean Up, Set Up, and Check In will be given to those with small children.

The volunteer position is the same all year unless need dictates a change.


Please indicate your preference below and note any additional information we need to know such as if you would/would not like to be with your student(s), if you will have small children on site, or if there is a specific class you would like to assist.

Preferences are strongly considered but not guaranteed. Thank you!


If you are participating in High School Drop off, choose "Drop Off'


Class Assistant

Assist with class setup, lessons, activities, and clean up. Help distribute materials, assist students with needs, and help oversee safety. Possibly document class activities and/or communicate class assignments or needs to members. 


Set up/Clean up

Set up/take down tables and chairs, wipe tables, sweep, hang class signs, set up soap/towels, collect garbage, and help us leave spaces clean.


Sign In Table or Class Hall Monitor

Oversee parents sign in sheets. Communicate any volunteer needs, or pass out information as needed. Check halls, help classes as needed.


Field Trip Coordinator

Organize field trips for the co-op calendar year. Much of this position takes place outside class days.


Events Coordinator

Help organize co-op day events for the calendar year. Celebrations, guest speakers, end of the year celebration. Much of this position takes place outside class days.

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